Vitrifrigo make cost-efficient minibars but Cost vs Performance is the question.

Vitrifrigo manufactures high quality, attractive minibars to conform to standard sized, in-room hotel furniture. They employ two kinds of refrigeration processors: Compressor and Absorption. There is little visual, difference but from the efficiency, running costs and the price, the contrast is immense.
The absorption minibar works on the heat exchanger process that employs a gas refrigerant. The cooling process is relatively slow and, because it takes longer, uses more energy.
By contrast, the compressor minibar cools four times faster, has zero toxicity, is virtually silent and is 85% more economical to run than the compressor minibar.
The new compressor minibars belong to the NEXT DM series, which have been awarded the highest possible EU Energy rating: A+++ for the solid door version and A++ for the glass door version. The Office C39i series also employs the latest compressor technology.
Vitrifrigo’s absorption minibars are an excellent choice for the budget conscious. They are rated N and employ Low Power Consumption (LPC) technology and are virtually silent in operation.
The Office series has more variety in the internal capacities than hotel minibars, the larger capacities designed to be free standing.
Regardless of your choice, the quality of design and manufacture of Vitrifrigo minibars is not surpassed. The minibars are beautifully designed and built to last.